1950 Beehive: Betty Bee Busy, Holly Bee Handy

Here’s the original “Bees” of the Hive, long before Hinckley’s Be-X took Deseret by swarm.   Some of these tasks are pretty unbeelievable: making shelving, re-upholstering furniture, ironing 2 hours a week, canning 12 jars of jam…but note especially that “religion” is its own distinct category, rather than the overall environment.  One wonders whether reducing the Beehive down to “religion” as defined by a certain culture is really such a wise move, or whether true religion is not it’s own separate page, but rather a way which infuses all other practices?  Anyway, if you’re looking to get a jump on the Halloween costume ideas, or some excellent ways to keep your own worker bees busy busy busy, I bring you the Ms. Bee Fashion Show.

1 Comment

  1. Always fascinating stuff, Daymon.

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