Preview of Volume 3 of the Cultural History

A few graphics from pages from Volume 3 of the Cultural History of the Book of Mormon, showing Mormonism around 1900, fairly graphically.  I am reviewing proofs of this volume, and expect to publish in a few weeks.  Next week I’ll post of few more of these little gems.


From Volume 3: Beta

Pages from BOMVol3betaGarments

This early Mormon pinup is from a Sunday School manual in the early 1900s.

Pages from BOMVol3betaUshering

A page discussing the use of the Book of Mormon to teach the eternal principles of ushering to deacons in the early 1900s.

From Volume 3: Delta

Pages from BoMVol3deltaCalled

This is an ad from a church magazine, showing the evolution of “Called to Serve” from a WWI Navy slogan, to an advertising jingle, eventually to a song for Marching Mormon Youth of the 1950s.

Pages from BoMVol3deltaFunny

This appalling humor sheet was the last page of an Improvement Era from the early 1930s, apparently intended to entertain the youth by laughing at “darkies” and whatnot.  Caution: these jokes may be offensive.


  1. Kent says:

    The “darky” jokes ARE offensive, but even worse, they are not funny.

    1. day2mon says:

      yeah, they are terrible.

      1. rockwaterman1 says:

        Not to mention OLD. I mean, they were decades old by the time they were published in the Improvement Era. I recognize two of them from a minstrel act, and another from the works of Finley Peter Dunne.

        It must have taken a long time for a joke to travel to Utah.

  2. Sandy says:

    Wow – what a window into the mindset. I don’t quite know what to think. We have really changed as a society. Hopefully for the better. Thanks for the glimpse into the past, Daymon.

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