New Book!!! A cultural history of the book of mormon, vol.1

Just published the first volume of the series,

A Cultural History of the Book of Mormon:

Volume One: Setting, A Foundation, Of Stones To Stumble Over.

The publishers page is here

You can read the book description there as well.

The presentation on the cultural history published on this blog is an overview of material presented in this book, which provides much greater detail and analysis, focusing on the earliest years of the Book of Mormon when it became “scripture” to a group of Restorationists living on the Isaac Morley farm.

You can buy direct from the publisher, or in a few days the book will available from Amazon in print and Kindle formats.

(The publisher is an Amazon company.)

UPDATE: Volume Two is in proof review, and Volume Three is underway.  Four and Five are close to being finished, as well.


  1. csimons says:

    just ordered it, thanks Daymon, listened to your Phoenix presentation multiple times, insights were fantastic!

    1. day2mon says:

      Thanks, happy reading!

  2. Rosalie Smith says:

    I will order it for my Kindle as soon as it is available!!

  3. tcpoint says:

    Just got my book last night. Fascinating read.

    1. day2mon says:

      thx, hope you like all of it

  4. Ron Madson says:

    Just finished reading it through for the first time this week. Would like to discuss the contents with others before moving on to the next volume. Thanks Daymon for the work and thought you put into this. This is a game changer for those who will read it and consider the implications of how we gentiles created a metatext and metachurch unwittingly based on the culture we could not separate from the gifts that were given at the genesis of our faith—and how utterly clueless we have been and are today as to how we created a church/religion in our own image and in so doing rejected what was potentially being offered

  5. LWJ says:

    Daymon, thank you for all the work that has gone into this volume. To me, I think that this a very important read. Looking forward to next one.

    1. day2mon says:

      thanks, should be out in a month or so.

  6. Seeking says:

    Daymon, thank you, an excellent piece. I look forward with anticipation to the next volume. I am rereading the Book of Mormon with a completely different eye.

    1. day2mon says:

      excellent. that is the effect I’m hoping for, and the next volume should make the new reading easier to pull off.

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